„Amy Carmichel“ Possibility for poor children _________________________________________________________________________
Following an article from my foster-child
Shobana, it´s written in last week, after an visit in Nagapatinam District. Sincerely, W. Stelle
mornning I went to Nagapatinam, Vellankanni and Tranqubar and
I have visited the tsunami effected places and I have many news. Shortly: today morning nearly 6.30 am I have reaced the place
Vellankanni. There is no many people. It looked like desert because
that place. Always surrounded by many many people. After that I have went to Nagapatinam, here the full of
fisherman colony's were effected. They all are staying in the schools
and that schools has the holidays and Government trying to help and
issues all the things that they have need. Eventhough there are many
people who didn't get help also and the medical camps were there to
help. On the way of Tranqubar I have seen the place that have effected in
Karaikal, here the major thing to effect is, there is one canal (like river
over bridge it is connected the Nagapatinam road to Karaikal) that is endede
with the sea, so from the sea all the bodies and full of water
came and there is no enogh hole to move to other end of bridge. So full of
waters start to engulf the land and all the bodies were in the bridge. I have
seen this in Tv and today I have seen that all the releif work in the
bridge and the land was finished and it looked clearly with the sea and now the
bridge reparing work was going and all the bus root have changed. Then at last I have came to Tranqubar, here first time
I have seen the rehabilitation works are going from TELC and UELC
(United Evangalical Lutheren Church). They are providing clothes like uniforms,
school subject books to the school childrens who were lost their things
and houses and they are giving medical aid, vessels food,
bedsheets and normal clothes etc. In Tranqubar also heavily effcted by Tsunami, here 700
people were dead all are fisher man families. But all the buildings were
safe. i went to Grundler boys hostel,it is not effected but the childrens
things were taken by the tsunami effcted people we can't blame them also
because they don't have nothiong for three days from 26trh, after 3days only
the releif works were started. So they don't know what to do in that
position they have done. Still I have met people who are waiting for the
help. There many things and I will write the article including the
situation of students, fishermans, effected farmers, normal peoples and the
Government. Situation of the places: v A month after the Tsunami hit and flattened what has
come to be know as “Ground Zero”. For a week now with the roads cleared and new
Cause-ways taking the place of old bridges, all eyes are on the boats which
have beached out at the
river.All relief works were
finished and people were trying to live their normal life without
their loved ones. Situation of the fisherman: v Fisherman’s eyes filled up with tears as he say’s “
the sea was our God, If the God has forsaken us, what will we do? “. And they
are waiting for better days to come & to retrieve the boats. Fisher man
families were being relocated for away from their house land. Government
provided fisherman 60kg Rice sufficient for a month. The effected should be given relief cards to bring
them within the ambit of food
security to all these who did not have ration card. These were also some
complaints of lack of interaction between official machinery & NGO’s in
the field. Situation of the Students: v Students demanded postponement of government exam in
Tsunami effected districts. Children were psychologically affected and should
be given counseling before they took their annual exams. Because they didn’t
have book and the exams usually in April so they couldn’t abet to face it. So
private sectors and Govt. trying to provide, books & Notes for the school
children. Situation of the Farmers: v While the Tsunami waves entered in to the land, it
is filled the saults in the sand also. The amount of sodium in the land is
very wage and It is not good for cultivate anything from the land. So it is
effected the work and everything for farmers. They couldn’t see harvest
timmings for coming 4 to 5 years. This is the cruel thing,and what they can do for their food &
work?. What they will do for their children’s future (including study &
everything). Temporarily the Government giving help by providing food,
clothes & everything . Situation of the Government: v The district Administration was identifying suitable
locations for the contruction of permanent shelters for the effected
familiars. But It will take long
time do it. But effected ones got temporary huts in their lands by private
funds & helps. Now also they can’t live peacefully because of rumour that
Tsunami will come again. The a small boy asked me that “Do you believe that
the Tsunami will come back again?
So the Govt. trying to help the people in all situations, like giving
cousellings and providing medical helps and from the private hospitals are doing medical camps for long
term basis in the effected places. v Government & Private sectors with Army people
were repaired the motorboats and the nuts. Slowly fisherfolks are started to
get into the sea. But their business totally spoiled because of the
epidemics. The Govt. announced that for a six months no one will eat the fish
and its items. So they are
seeking the helps which could help for their employment also. One young lady
said that ” If the Govt. will
give sewing machine and teaching classes for the effected woman’s then this
will help their employment , daily bread and also this will help to stand in their own foot. v From the church and the private sectors are coming
doing help to the effected little childrens to
provide school dresses, note books and they giving admition in the hostels
and orphange centers . Shobana Devandiren -------------------