„Amy Carmichel“ Possibility for poor children _________________________________________________________________________
For your kind information, a
child may need Rs. 1.000,00 per month and Rs. 1.000,00 in June every year for
the school material, uniform etc. It is very much hoped that trough
our friends´ influences, some sponsors may be found. I am just praying to God
that He may guide me in all my efforts to lift up the standard of our
children by giving them good atmosphere, education, healthy situation and
joy. You will help us?
Please contact us in India for helping: „Amy Carmichel“ (c/o) Raja Manohara TELC Frolich Home (Girls),Pandur, Post (via) Kadambathur, 631 203,Tiruvallur Dt., Tamil Nadu, South IndiaIn Europe you can contact our German co-operator Mr Winfried Stelle: amy.carmichel@web.de The „Amy Carmichel“ Project has in Germany an Bank account, you can send your donation for helping:
Carmichel c/o W.Stelle IBAN: DE95 1203 0000 10203209 56 BIC : BYLADEM 1001 Bank: Deutsche Kreditbank AG (DKB)
In moment we look for specially donations for following projects:
1.) Education-help for students finished XII std (can be to Euro 2,000 per student)
2.) Donations for our office expences - our work will done honorary (full without payment), but we have to pay for office materials, postage etc. That will be to Euro 300 per year.
You like to take one of our children as a foster-child? Than contact us please: amy.carmichel@web.de
We thank you very much for your donation or interest!