„Amy Carmichel“ Possibility for poor children _________________________________________________________________________
Pandur, Frolich Home,
12.09.2005 I was away for a week in the Tamilnadu Theological Seminary at Madurai
to attent the Orientation Course along with the new volunteers, conducted by
Rev. Lars Dedekend, the Principal of the Swedish International School at
Kodaikanal. I came back on Saturday with the new volunteer to Pandur. Now we have some rain and, therefore, the heat is reduced a bit. Still
we need much rain. Our own well become dry, no water and the poisonous gas has formed in
it. So our people are afraid to get in the well to clean and to inspect the
defect and to remove the silt in the well. We are planning to dig a borewell but it costs more than Rs.50,000.00
or Rs.52,000.00. We are getting water through the Town Panchayat Over Head Tank by
laying some extra pipelines from there to our Home- kitchen, toilets and
bathrooms. The special people came from the villages and inspected our campus-
gardens where good water could be. In 2 places, they found sweez water enough
for our daily use. So I have got the estimate for that new borewell to be dug
and I am planning to send that estimate to the ELM trough the Bishop to
recommend the case with my prepares budget. We have otherwise, no difficulties in any way. --- Today came four new
monkeys and they were playing in our trees the whole day. But we are afraid
that they come in our rooms to steal… Raja Manohara -- Some more news: Now we have all thogether in our fostership project 24 children, for
20 of them we found foster parents in last times. In night from 30th of September to 1st of
October we organisited in cooperation with an book store an
“Harry-Potter-Night”. It was the start of the German version from “Potter”
VI. The motto of that event was “Harry help Amy”. Near 100 people was coming,
120 Euro was the donation for our “Amy”-children. If you will help our
children too, please contact us. Thanks
for your donation! W. Stelle